The Quarterly Newsletter
The High Plains Library District Friends & Foundation Newsletter
August 18th, 2023, Issue 7
Our Board Wants You!
Seeking New Board Members for HPLD Friends & Foundation
Dear HPLD Friends & Foundation Community,
We are excited to announce that the HPLD Friends & Foundation is seeking up to two new board members to join our dynamic Board of Directors. As the HPLD Friends & Foundation continues to grow and expand its impact on our beloved libraries, we believe that fresh perspectives and diverse experiences will be invaluable in guiding our organization into the future.
Why Join the HPLD Friends & Foundation?
As a member of the board, you will have the opportunity to make a lasting difference in our community by supporting the mission and vision of HPLD F&F. By joining forces with like-minded individuals, you can help enhance library programs, fund vital services, and advocate for the importance of literacy and education.
What Will You Bring to the Board?
Our ideal candidates have a demonstrated interest in the goals Friends & Foundation and are committed to advancing our mission of helping build community. We are particularly interested in individuals who possess expertise in one or more of the following area:
Experience and/or knowledge in at least one of the following areas: finance, fundraising, event planning, law, public relations, management/administrations, non-profit organizations, or libraries
Willingness to provide annual support (volunteer, in-kind, or financial) to the Foundation
Availability to attend quarterly board meetings as well as training and strategic planning sessions as needed
Willingness to represent High Plains Library District and the Friends & Foundation in the community
Be a Catalyst for Positive Change!
Current HPLD Friends & Foundation Board Member, Dr. Kelley Carmichael Casey, shared her experience with us:
"Wherever I’ve lived, libraries have been my happy places. Moving to Weld County, I was sure that volunteering with the library district would help me find my happy place here. I was right. As my skills best fit the Friends and Foundation’s needs, I’ve found more than a happy place. I’ve found meaning and community. Serving on the board is an exceptional opportunity to support a stellar staff, a vital mission, and a valuable community resource."
Join Us in Our Mission
Being a part of the HPLD Friends & Foundation board is a unique opportunity to strengthen our community, support lifelong learning, and champion the power of libraries. We are excited to embark on this search for new board members and look forward to welcoming passionate individuals who share our commitment to HPLD Friends & Foundation's success.
Thank You to Our Supporters

Quarterly Update
An Afternoon with Friends

On July 22nd, we held our first annual Friends Appreciation Event. Our donors and volunteers from April 2022 - April 2023 gathered to enjoy Luna's Catering, a short program, and a craft creation in a LINC makerspace. Our Friends have made a profound impact on your community and we hope our event was able to express our thankfulness to have you as a Friend.
Innovation Luncheon
Sponsorships Available!
Attention businesses and community members! HPLD Friends & Foundation’s First Annual Innovation Luncheon is a new fundraising event that will bring our community together to raise funds for the High Plains Library District's life accelerating programming and services.
Our life accelerating programs and services are designed to connect library lovers with the skills they need to enter the workforce, the tools required to start a new business and hands-on maker programming that awakens their inner artist. Community members seeking employment learn crucial resume writing and “adulting” skills through the programming and services provided by our Career and Workforce Librarians. Local entrepreneurs schedule individual sessions with our Creative Technologists and Innovation Technicians to learn how to utilize a UV Printer, Laser Cutter, and Woodshop through our Maker Services.
If you benefit from a skilled workforce, consider purchasing an individual ticket or sponsoring a table at the Innovation Luncheon. Find more information on our website:
2023 YES!Fest
Free Family Friendly STEM Festival on September 16th from 10AM to 2PM at LINC
This Youth Engineering and Science Festival – YES!fest – promises to be a fun and educational festival for the whole family. Booths and exhibitors from across many science and engineering fields will provide hands-on activities for all age levels. YES!fest seeks to create a change in attitude toward engineering and science as a meaningful potential career options and emphasize their relevance in our everyday lives.
Excitingly, Temple Grandin, best-selling author, animal behaviorist, and autism self-advocate, will kick off the event as our special guest speaker!
This event is free to all ages and does not require registration.
September 16th, 2023
10AM - 2PM
LINC- Downtown Greeley, 501 8th Ave, 80631
Thank You to Our Supporters

Ball Aerospace
OtterCares Foundation
Current Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Gardener
Carbon Valley Regional Library
Day-of Art Show Volunteer
Erie Community Library